







Meet Jozee and Cricket

Jozee and Cricket’s study of herbalism, music, and yoga as a way of life began years before they met in 1993. Both being avid students of conga drumming as a form of sound healing, their union was solidified through the drum spirit. Jozee and Cricket fell in love and embarked on their lifelong journey together, carefully designing their lifestyle to meet their own personal and spiritual needs. Naturally Mystic Experience retreats is an offering of the culmination of their 30 years together.

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Jozee and Cricket,

What lovely spirits you are!!!! 

I’ll start with a simple thank you, to you both and all of those that helped make this such a great retreat. I want to give a big shout out to the kitchen crew. The soup I brought home, phenomenal!! Meals made with so much love, goodness and healing. I could taste the love! Amazing chefs!!

SInging bowls, bells and an awesome gong just moving the energy, vibrations being released and raised. Next lets move to the drumming!!!! Wowsa wowsa wowsa, such a journey.

The energy of you all collectively, radiating thru everyone and everything. BLESSED VIBRATIONS!!

Words of wisdom being shared from both of you. SIngle words that said so much. Stories that you share help light the way. You are both such wonderful teachers, guides, and beings. I am truly blessed to have been invited and experience the wisdom and love of you both. 

Doors reopened, energy reactivated, tools sharpen, some broken tools thrown away, and learning to use new tools. 

One last thing a special thank you for helping me thru a challenge…the tea, the balm (love this), the tinctures, the intentions and the love.

I could go on and on…feeling very very blessed to have this experience!

Please pass my thanks and love forward to all!!!!


Melinda Martin



Are you intrigued with the idea of learning something new about your life & perhaps shinning a new light on it ? 

Or do you want to experience a different mode of consciousness…expanding your current repertoire.

Then attend Jozee & Cricket’s 3 Day Spiritual Healing Retreat!! 

Find purpose, Increase your energy, focus, and motivation, or overcome procrastination.              

Enhance or reawaken your creativity.  

Yoga, healing sound bowls, field trips, love and my favorite conga drumming ALL have me coming back for my 2nd retreat!

Caryn Maroni



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